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Pizza margherita
- Prep Time
- Minutes
- Yield
- 4
- Difficulty Level Intermedia
Recipe Rating
- (3 /5)
- (1 Rating)
- 250 ml di acqua
- 500g farina 0
- 25g lievito di birra fresco
- 10g olio
- 1c sale
Nutrition Info
330 Kcal 100g
20g Proteine
70g Carboidrati
6g Grassi
- 1. Break eggs, separating whites from yolks
- 2. Beat whites with pinch of salt, till firm foam, then add sugar bit by bit still beating the whites, then add yolks, one by one continue beating
- 3. Beat whites with pinch of salt, till firm foam, then add sugar bit by bit still beating the whites, then add yolks, one by one continue beating
- 4. Beat whites with pinch of salt, till firm foam, then add sugar bit by bit still beating the whites, then add yolks, one by one continue beating
- 5. Break eggs, separating whites from yolks
- Servings : 4 persone
- Ready in : 3 Minutes
- Recipe Type : Pizza
- Ingredient : Acqua, Farina, Lievito di birra, Olio extravergine di oliva gustoso, sale
- 1. Break eggs, separating whites from yolks
- 2. Beat whites with pinch of salt, till firm foam, then add sugar bit by bit still beating the whites, then add yolks, one by one continue beating
- 3. Beat whites with pinch of salt, till firm foam, then add sugar bit by bit still beating the whites, then add yolks, one by one continue beating
- 4. Beat whites with pinch of salt, till firm foam, then add sugar bit by bit still beating the whites, then add yolks, one by one continue beating
- 5. Break eggs, separating whites from yolks
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